Who says working out can not be considered a date?
Propositioning a gym date can be tricky, because a woman can be easily offended by you asking her to workout. Asking a woman to go to the gym with you is the equivalent of saying, "You big bitch, you are fat as hell!!!" But if you mention that you're going to the gym, sooner or later she will insist on coming with you. She will do this for one of three reasons. She simply wants to spend more time with you, want to tone up and get into better shape, or she doesn't trust you and wants to see if you are telling the truth. If you are lying and telling her that you are always going to the gym and you get there and don't know anyone or where the right equipment is, this workout date might end quickly. I will not say that the gym date should never be a first date, there are many variables that can cause this date to fail. A successful workout is a bond building experience. There are a few benefits of a gym date.
Reason 1: Body Transformation
Maybe she's cool... Maybe she has a cute face... Maybe she gained a little weight over the years... Or maybe she has a few folds in places that she shouldn't... Working out could point her in the right direction towards sexiness.
Reason 2: Show Off
MUSCLES - If you haven't had the opportunity to take off your shirt around her yet, this gives you the prime location to strip and not be judged. Only take that shirt off if there is something decent looking under it. You do not want her gazing at your man boobs or pot belly stomach. This will be an immediately turnoff, especially when you start sweating. As a grown up, you should be able to effectively determine if no shirt, a wifebeater, t-shirt or a sweatshirt is required. If you look like this --->
wear a t-shirt, wifebeater, plastic bag and a sweatshirt. This is unacceptable.
You might want to visit The Reassessment and handle that.
STRENGTH - You also have the ability to show off your strength. Women want someone they can feel safe with. Show them that you will not have a problem fighting for her if necessary. Also scare her ass. Show her that you are strong enough to whip her ass if she ever thought about punching you in the face. I'm not saying that it's OK to beat her ass. I'm saying that she needs TO know that if you are forced, you CAN beat her ass with no struggle. I work out in front of all of my women. They know better... If you haven't gotten the draws yet, it's possible that she'll give them to you just because she's scared of what you would do if she didn't. This is a conversation that I do not wish to get into, but this happens. Please do not judge me, judge the hoes who let this happen. However, if your lady friend is stronger than you, maybe the gym is not the best place for you to be. You do not want to be working out in front of a group of people and she's benching more than you. You will lose the little respect you have by your peers. If your lady friend lifts more than you in the gym, there's a good chance someone will approach her, right in front of you, as if you don't exist.
STAMINA - Stamina might be the best thing to show off. Show her that you can go hard for a long period of time... Need I say more?
Reason 3: Show Her Off
If she is bad, show her off. There's nothing wrong with this. When someone gets a nice car, they show it off. When someone gets a nice home the show it off. When someone gets some new shoes, the show them off. Everyone in the gym points out the bad girls. Guys look. Girls look. Employees look. Managers Look. Everyone notices the baddest chick walking around the gym. You'd be an instant celebrity for being with her. She has to be bad though. This reason doesn't apply to most of you. I've seen a plethora of ugly girls in the gym with dudes.
Reason 4: Sell Your Dream
If your body is sub par, show her how dedicated you are to improving your body. Let her know that you will get the that body she melts over when she watches movies and read magazines. The little improvements in your body will hook her deeper and deeper.
Reason 5: Jacuzzi after Workout
The gym is not romantic at all, but the jacuzzi after the workout can create a fire. The jacuzzi will relax her body as well as her mind. A smooth conversation can lead to immediate physical contact. This is tricky though. You do not want to slip up and get a stiffy in the jacuzzi. That 100 degrees temperature might have you lightheaded to the point where you need to jump out the water. You don't want people seeing your boner through your shorts. This is embarrassing, especially if you haven't smashed the girl you are chilling with at the moment.
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